Hello flowery crusts! 🌼
Are you knowledgeable about everything related to vromtons?
To find out, we invite you to play VROMTON BINGO!
The objective is simple: check as many boxes as possible and try to check all 12 boxes.
So, watch out for your uncles Jaqui! Ready for the challenge ? 💛

How to respond to each “argument” released by Uncle Jaqui?
Here's a little help 🌼
1 / It's not cheese if it's not made from cow's milk! 🐄 🥛 -> Moreover, it was in the 14th century that the word “forma” became “fourmage”, then in the 15th century, “fromaige” became “cheese”. It is therefore the container and the act of "shaping", that is to say of molding the curdled milk, which gave its name to the cheese.
Plant-based alternatives to cheese have textures and flavors that can be very similar to traditional cheeses made from cow's milk, some using the same techniques and ferments as their cousins.
2/ Why don't you invent your own food! -> Plant-based alternatives, whether to meat or cheese, help facilitate the transition of flexitarians or vegetarians towards more plants in their diet, which is a recommendation from the national observatory of plant-based foods,” Les Plant-based alternatives are healthier and more sustainable than animal products , 2022”. There is indeed a cultural aspect and the similarities make it easier to meet and share around similar foods.
3/ I have an uncle breeder who treats his cows well 🐄 -> It is important to mention that so-called “ free range ” cows are a standard decided by the industry itself because they are not the same standards of freedom that we think about. Cows are not raised in green pastures grazing on grass as some false images claim, including: milk cartons .
In reality, 86%* of dairy cows in France are locked up all day in a stable , tied to a post which keeps them within a restricted area. The cows we see in the fields are heifers, that is to say adolescent cows which have not yet started producing milk.
Cows in organic farming have access to the fields once a week, in summer, when the weather permits. In the end, dairy cows are still slaughtered prematurely , when they are no longer profitable for the industry.
* According to official figures from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in France, in 2020
4/ Cashew nuts are not Made in France ! 🇫🇷 -> It's true, cashew nuts are not produced in France because they generally come from tropical countries such as Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Benin, India and Brazil.
However, vromtons made from cashew nuts emit 3 times less CO2 ( 2.47 kg CO2 eq / kg compared to 6.53 kg CO2 eq / kg) than a cow's milk Camembert of the same weight . In fact, it takes much less cashew nuts (150g) to produce a vromton than milk (2 liters) to produce a cow's milk Camembert. Finally, over the years, harvesting conditions for workers have improved considerably, which makes it possible to support local and equitable economies.
5/ Is it really cheaper to do it yourself? 💰 -> And yes! Buying the vromton kit is an investment that pays off very quickly compared to commercial alternatives. On average, making your vromtons can be 3 times cheaper because by recommending ferments you will continue to amortize your kit.
From the first use, you will save around €7 and €30 on the second use. Savings can thus amount to several hundred euros after several uses (depending on the price of raw materials).
6/ Why do you make your vromton, when you can buy a ready-made one off the shelf? 🧀 🌿 -> By making your vromton you will be able to choose the ingredients and avoid unwanted additives and preservatives which are sometimes present in commercial alternatives. It is a rewarding and enriching experience, which provides immense satisfaction from enjoying homemade cheese, created with love and attention. In addition, you will be able to save money because by recommending ferments you will continue to amortize your kit, the savings can thus amount to several hundred euros after several productions.
7/ Doesn’t it take you too much time? ⏰ -> The vromton recipe is optimized to shorten the refining time as much as possible (around 15 days) and simplify the process.
It’s no more than 30 minutes total for the entire recipe. And there's nothing more rewarding and satisfying than making a big deal out of it.
8/ But cows naturally produce milk! 🐄 🥛 -> Like all mammals, humans, mice, dogs , cows must have a baby to produce milk, and they are often artificially inseminated in the industry .
The production of cow's milk for human consumption is often the result of intensive breeding practices and cruel treatment. Cows are generally raised in very narrow enclosures, with limited access to the outside, and “zero grazing” closed barn farming is increasing, promoting disease. Dairy cows are also subjected to procedures such as dehorning and mechanical milking, causing infections and pain. Additionally, hormones and antibiotics are often used to increase their milk production. Finally, dairy cows are sent to the slaughterhouse on average at the age of 8, although they could have lived up to 20 years.
9/ And calcium for your bones? 🥛🦴 -> Contrary to popular belief, dairy products are not the richest sources of calcium nor those with the best bioavailability. Indeed, calcium is found in many foods from the plant kingdom, and sometimes in higher quantities, which makes it possible to meet daily needs as part of a varied plant-based diet.
Where to find calcium in plants?
Here are some examples :
Fresh fruit : blackcurrant, lemon, figs, raspberry, orange…
Fresh vegetables : artichoke, avocado, broccoli, carrot, celery, cabbage, fennel, green beans, lettuce, leek…
Cereals and legumes : oats, quinoa, white or red beans, lupine, chickpeas, soya, etc.
Seeds and oilseeds : almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio, peanuts, sesame, etc.
Herbs and spices : garlic, dill, basil, cinnamon, chives, cumin, shallot, mint…
Sweetening products and dried fruits : dark chocolate, dates, dried figs, raisins, whole sugar, etc.
Here are some examples of foods rich in calcium:
This is linked to the fact that it takes much less cashew nuts (150g) to produce a Vromton than milk (2 liters) to produce a cow's milk Camembert. In addition, part of the CO2 is absorbed by the cashew tree, the cashew tree.
12/ Are you sure that the ferments are really vegan? 🌿 -> Yes, from the recipe to the ferments our mission is to offer an alternative to cheese without animal exploitation. Our ferments are thus cultivated on a vegan basis by certified laboratories.
Good luck flowery crusts with this BINGO, to share every time an Uncle Jaqui throws you a stereotype linked to vromtons 🌼